Monday, November 26, 2007

Route 2 Literary Journal

Only a few short weeks left to submit poetry, fiction and art to
Route 2: Literary Journal

Have you got poetry, fiction or art that you’d like to share? Route 2, a Literary Journal produced by FSC is accepting submissions. But the time to submit is running out, the deadline: November 1st.
Route 2 is a Literary Journal produced by FSC’s Department of English. The journal is made up of a collection of “thoughtful, well-crafted contemporary poetry, fiction, and art,” submitted by students and members of FSC. Route 2 is open to all students at FSC. You can submit your work to Route 2 by emailing For more information about Route 2, you can visit
“Route 2 isn't so much a new journal as it is a reinvention of the college's previous literary journal, The Miller Hall Folio. The English Department felt that it was time to breathe some new energy into a publication that had gone defunct.” said Dr. Ian Williams of the English Department.
The first Route 2 Literary Journal was published in the Spring of 2007. It was created to replace and refresh FSC’s old literary journal, The Miller Hall Folio. There are some requirements for pieces that are submitted to Route 2. Fiction or creative writing pieces should be double spaced, and should not exceed 3,000 words. It is also preferred that art submitted can be reproduced in black and white.
It is hoped that Route 2 becomes a FSC tradition each semester for the English Department. Route 2 is an opportunity to give students at FSC a chance to share their creativity and passions with their peers.
Students of Dr. Ian Williams ’ Poetry Writing class will be responsible for selecting the poetry, fiction, and art that will be published in this semester’s Route 2. Each student in the Poetry Writing class has been assigned different jobs to help create Route 2 this semester; from hanging posters all over campus to promote Route 2; to organizing local “Open Mic. Nights,” to planning the Route 2 Launch Party.
The Poetry Writing class has also gone as far to create a Route 2 “group” on the ever so poplar Facebook. Anyone can join this group, just search for “Route 2.” Here you can find information about local Poetry Readings, share you work if you like, and discuss poetry, fiction and art with your peers. Perhaps by joining the Route 2 group on Facebook, you can find others who create poetry, fiction and art, or at the very least, others who appreciate poetry, fiction and art.
Don’t hesitate submitting your work, start looking through those old notebooks of yours today! Or if you’re feeling creative, find something that inspires you and write some poetry, or a short story to share with your fellow students! You don’t have anything to lose by submitting your work to Route 2, you are being given an opportunity to have your work shared and appreciated by others. If you are unable to submit your work this semester, please think to do so next semester, and make sure to pick up a copy of Route 2 on campus.

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